dengue fever

Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne
infection that is transmitted from the bite of infected mosquitoes to the human
body. It I most common in tropical and subtropical areas, typically in urban
or semi-urban areas. Dengue is extensive during the tropics, with local
distinctions in hazards influenced by climate limitations as well as environmental
and social facto



Dengue is related to the virus
that causes yellow infection and West Nile infection.  The primary virus that transfers infection from
a female mosquito included, the Aedes aegypti mosquito and, to a lesser extent
included Ae. albopictus. Mainly this virus is accountable for causing dengue which
is called dengue fever (DENV). Though many DENV infections generate only mild infection
and illness, DENV can source an acute flu-like illness. But sometimes, this increases
into a potential hazard complication, called severe dengue. Severe Dengue fever
is a principal cause of illness and death in most Asian and American countries.
It needs complete medical professional management.



The symptoms of dengue fever
mostly start from 4-6 days after the bite of infected dengue mosquitos. Occasionally
symptoms are minor and can be misguided for another type of flu or alternative
viral infection. Earlier children and adults who haven’t ever had the infection
before, which is more common in some cases than older children and adults.
However, serious problems can generate.


dengue fever symptoms


When symptom happens, the patient has
a high spike of fever up to 103-104 F (35 C-40 C). some patients continue their fever
from 2-7 days and feel better after 1 week and some have fever spikes with a
gap of 6-12 hours, but continue for 1 week. 
Such types of symptoms happen.

  • High-grade fever
  • Severe body pain
  • Body rashes
  • Eye pain with reddish eyes
  • Severe headache
  • Sore throat
  •  Facial flushing
  • Nausea vomiting
  • Abdominal cramps 


About 0.5% – 5% of cases reported
of dengue fever become a severe hazard for life. If this type of fever happens,
it could be life-threatening. In such cases, platelet levels decrease rapidly, which
is the main clotting factor in our blood. Due to platelet deficiency, some
symptoms are a danger to life, including

High-grade fever, damage occurs to
lymph nodes and blood vessels, nasal and gums bleeding, liver enlargement, and circulatory
system failure. Which may proceed to massive bleeding and death, which is known
as dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Patients who have a weak immune system, have
massive chances to develop hemorrhagic fever.

The major symptom which happens
included are:

  • High-grade fever
  • Severe body pain
  • Abdominal cramps and tenderness
  • Body fluid severe dehydration
  • Vomiting continuously
  • Bloody vomit (hematemesis)
  • Dysentery (blood in stools)
  • Nasal bleeding with gums bleeding
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Cold and dry skin
  • Pulse irregularity
  • Restless irritable
  • Hypotension

When a patient suffers from severe
symptoms, in an emergency condition patient should be admitted to the critical
care unit and start emergency treatment.



Exactly there is no specific drug
of choice for the treatment of dengue fever. If a patient is diagnosed with dengue
fever, then healthcare workers have to start some treatments urgently for the
support of the patient.

1.    1.   Plenty of water, juices, soups, or any
drink for the maintenance of hydration. If a patient couldn’t able to drink
water orally as much as he needed, doctors prescribed them to start intravenous
fluids for body fluid maintenance.

Acetaminophen which is also called Panadol or Calpol
to control fever and body pain.
Take continuous rest and long sleep to make the body.
Healthy fruits and homemade soft diet.
Dependent on the clinical picture and other scenarios,
patients may take rest at home, or maybe refer for hospitalization.
Patients can take multivitamins, calcium, and folic
acid to build a strong immune system.
Drinking apple juice with lemon and other
natural products might help a dengue patient to better the immune system.

In severe dengue, medical emergency by doctors and
staff experienced with the things and treat accordingly severe symptoms of
dengue fever for saving human lives, which helps to decrease the mortality rate
to less than 1% in commonly affected countries.


dengue fever treatment


The better way to prevent the dengue
virus is to protect yourself from the bites of infected mosquitoes, especially,
if you are traveling or living in a tropical infected area. This teaches
protecting yourself and cleaning sprays which keep the mosquito’s growth down.

In 2019. A vaccine of Dengvaxia vaccine
was approved by FDA. Which prevents dengue fever in the age group of 9 to 16 years.
Who has a history of dengue fever before? But here in Pakistan, no vaccine
protects the general population from the virus of dengue.


dengue fever prevention

  • Some are the prevention points that we have to follow.
  • Covered your body by wearing
    complete clothes.
  • Apply mosquito killer liquid to the
    body before sleeping.
  • Close your windows and doors in the
    evening and night times.
  • Avoid going outside in dust and
    unhygienic places in the early evening, if possible.
  • Remove and clean the standing
    water around the home.
  • Daily check and clean the plant
    pots, and drainage system, where there are chances to grow mosquitoes.
  • Used an air-conditioned environment if

If someone has been diagnosed with
dengue fever, be careful with mosquitoes around his home surrounding because any
mosquito that bites a dengue patient-positive person and then bites a normal
person can transmit dengue infection to others. It’s the main reason why it spread from person to person from a simple mosquito.