difference between chickenpox & monkeypox


The infectious viral diseases chickenpox and Mpox (formerly known as monkey monkeypox) both affect humans. Both of them have the word “pox” in their names because of the pockmark skin lesions they cause. But unlike chickenpox, which is brought on by a herpes virus, Mpox is brought on by a virus related to smallpox.

While both Mpox and chickenpox have similar symptoms (such as fever, exhaustion, headaches, and a stinging rash), they differ in terms of how the viruses are spread, where the rashes appear, the populations they most frequently affect, and how each is handled.

The symptoms, causes, diagnoses, and treatments of Mpox and chickenpox are contrasted in this article.

Be sure to see a healthcare professional if you develop a rash to get a diagnosis and the right treatment.



The virus that causes Mpox and chickenpox is their primary distinction. The MPV virus, which also causes smallpox and Mpox, is one of numerous viruses referred to as orthopox viruses.

In contrast, the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), not a true poxvirus, is what causes chickenpox.



The methods through which Mpox and chickenpox are passed differ because the two viruses are fundamentally dissimilar:


 Direct contact with rashes, scabs, saliva, and respiratory secretions (saliva and mucus) of an infected person can all result in the transmission of the Mpox virus. Additionally, Mpox can be spread via oral, vaginal, or anal sex, as well as by coming into contact with the genitalia or anus of an infected person.

Difference between MPV & VZV




Transmission of the chickenpox virus (VZV) occurs by contact with the rash or scabs, but it can also happen through inhaling aerosolized fluids from a sore that has the virus present. VZV might potentially be transmitted through respiratory (airborne) droplets.



The most well-known viral infections, including chickenpox, smallpox, and Mpox, are among the thirty or more conditions that have the word “pox” in their titles.2 An itchy, blistered rash characterizes all of these illnesses.



The course of Mpox and chickenpox is comparable. Before the rash appears, flu-like symptoms like headache, fever, and exhaustion start to appear. The signs are known as prodromal symptoms.

A rash will start Monkeypoxas little spots or pimples within a few days, quickly develop, and then fill with a clear or yellowish fluid. This blistering rash breaks out, scabs over, and starts to heal. It is often irritating and occasionally severe.

Despite these similarities, there are several significant distinctions between chickenpox and Mpox, such as:

1. Symptoms’ timing:

Monkey monkeypox fever may appear 1–5 days before the rash, although chickenpox fever may appear 1-2 days before the rash, which is another common symptom of both chickenpox and monkeypox.

2. Nodes:

Monkeypox causes lymph nodes to enlarge, but chickenpox does not. One of the simplest ways to distinguish between chickenpox and monkey monkeypoxmonkeypox lymph node enlargement.

3. The time of incubation:

While chickenpox takes between four and seven days to develop, monkey pox takes five to twenty-one days.

4. Distribution of rashes:

Mpox may simply result in one or a few lesions in terms of the distribution of rashes. However, other times it can result in thousands of lesions, most frequently on the extremities and face as opposed to the trunk. Rashes from chickenpox typically cover a larger area, including the face, scalp, body, upper arms, and legs.

5. Location of rashes:

The Mpox rash can appear on the hand’s palm and soles of both feet, around the sexual organs and anus, and on the eyes (where it may result in corneal scarring). These are unusual areas where chickenpox can occur.

6. Prevention strategies:

Contact with a sick person, an animal, or any object, such as the infected person’s possessions, must be avoided when it comes to monkeypox. To avoid infection, immunization is necessary in the case of chickenpox.

7. Reduction:

The respiratory system, mucous, and open wounds are the main entry points for the monkeypox virus into the body. whereas the only way that chickenpox can spread is through respiratory excretion.

8. Medical Assistance:

Monkeypox does not have a specific therapy. However, the smallpox vaccine might be given to the affected person’s contacts. Although there are treatments available for chickenpox symptoms, the vaccine is both secure and efficient.



Mpox and chickenpox can be upsetting and extremely uncomfortable, but they rarely pose a life-threatening hazard.


  •          Fever with chills.
  •          Enlarged lymph nodes.
  •          Lethargic.
  •          Body aches.
  •          Severe headaches.
  •          Throat infection with cough.
  •          A single, specific localized lesion or widespread itchy with blistering rashes.
  •         The face, mouth, soles, palms, anus, genitals, and eyes are normally affected.



  •         Fever not associated with chills
  •          Weakness lethargic
  •          Decrease appetite
  •          Heaviness on head
  •          A typically extensive itchy, scorching rashes.
  •          The face, scalp, mouth, upper arms, and lower legs are normally affected.



A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test is the method of choice for determining whether a person has chickenpox or Mpox. The most precise method for identifying both of these viral infections at the moment is a PCR, which can detect minuscule amounts of the virus’s DNA.



Treatment for those with mild illness focuses primarily on symptom management.

To assist in relieving the discomfort, this could involve 

  • Utilizing oral painkillers
  • Topical steroids
  • Topical anesthetics. 

The itching may be relieved with 

  • Colloidal oatmeal
  •  Petroleum jelly
  • Calamine lotion
  • Oral antihistamines.

Antiviral medications may be taken if someone is at risk for a serious disease or consequences.


When necessary, Tpox (tecovirimat), an antiviral medication, is used to treat measles. The medication, which is available in both an oral and an intravenous formulation (given into a vein), was initially used to treat smallpox.


The antiviral medication Zovirax (acyclovir) is most frequently used to treat chickenpox when necessary. It is frequently administered orally, and it functions best when taken within 24 hours of the rash breakout. Particularly true for adults, who frequently have more severe symptoms.



Mpox and chickenpox may look similar, but they are caused by separate viruses. While both can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, chickenpox can also be transmitted through the air, and Mpox is commonly transmitted through sexual contact.

Mpox and chickenpox symptoms are similar, but mpox is more severe and causes enlarged lymph nodes.

Mpox and chickenpox are treated with separate antiviral medications, which are usually reserved for those who have severe symptoms or are at risk of serious consequences. While both Mpox and chickenpox vaccines are available, the Mpox vaccine is only available to adults who are at high risk of contracting the infection. Everyone should have the chickenpox vaccine, especially as part of their childhood vaccines.